helen marshal

Dec 12, 20192 min

10 DIY Carpet Cleaning Solution

Cleaning is the activity which defines your nature of being sophisticated and mannered. You can hire although professional cleaning service to make your living perfectly stunning. But hiring every time pro cleaning services can put heavy on your pocket and it will definitely be unaffordable for anyone.

carpet cleaner

That’s why people often are sought to be seen looking for carpet cleaning tips on internet. This makes a huge difference because many people get greatly expert after having been doing DIY carpet cleaning for a couple of time. Although there is nothing much difficult to standoff against the dirtiness of the carpet and rug but still you must be having some basically sound knowledge to get the job done by yourself.

Following we will guide you on some 10 DIY (Do it Yourself) Carpet Cleaning Solution for which you will be able to confront all the matter and concerns of carpet cleanings. All you need to have is a passion and courage to move on to curb the job which apparently seems to be hard. It will not only help you save your money but also leverage you on having a stunning result and obviously a self-confidence. Let’s get started.

carpet cleaning service

1. The Club-Soda Process

The club-soda method is an easy way to do it yourself and it will leave with an extra leverage of getting a bloomed result. You may have heard that club soda is effective against beer and wine stains. It's true—if you use it correctly. Blot the area with the soda on a cloth.

2. Shaving Foam

Shaving foam can be applied to a stain affected area which seemingly looks irremovable. Apply the shaving cream directly to the stain and let it set for about 30 minutes, Tarbox says. Once the shaving cream has been applied, wipe it away with a dry white cloth. Finish by spraying the area with one-part vinegar mixed with one-part water and then rubbing away the solution with a rag.

3. Frozen-Dried Gum

Rub Frozen the gum with ice cubes for about 30 seconds. Tarbox said. Once the gum is frozen solid, use a spoon to boost up the blob and cut the aspects of carpet as close to the gum as possible. If you cut down only a small amount of carpet, the spot shouldn't be obvious.

clean carpet tips

4. Dishwasher Detergent

Dishwasher detergent can be used to remove oily and greasy stains on carpet.

5. Heat Wax

Hot iron with lightly wet towel between carpet and iron can be used to remove stains.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

This chemical substance is used to remove paint stains and other dusty specks.

7. Ice Cold Water For Bubble Gum

Good Rug Cleaning Service always recommends to clean carpet or rug by yourself with cold water.

carpet cleaning tips

8. Carpet Cleaning Spray

Carpet cleaning service can be used with homemade or market available spray.

9. Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning with vacuum cleaner is highly recommended as a DIY activity.

10. Vinegar and Soda Ash Solution

These kitchen items are mixed together in form a solution and then applied to the stained part of rug or carpet to clean.
